4 Types of Popular Land Investments and How to Evaluate Them In 28401

When some people think about buying land, they just think of a big, empty area. But land investing is way more detailed than that, which is good news because it gives you, even more, exit strategies. When you’re thinking about investing in land, here are 4 types of popular land investments and how to evaluate them.

4 Types Of Popular Land Investments And How To Evaluate Them

#1. Infills

These small properties exist in town and are often an undeveloped piece of land in the middle of a suburban area, such as the 28401 or other areas. When looking at these properties, consider how easy it is to build and whether the area is in a desirable location. Infills can be a fast, simple way to make money on building if you can build affordable and sell quickly.

#2. Subdivision Development

These tracts of land can be quite large and hold the promise of building a subdivision of houses. When evaluating this land, make sure that city services can be affordably extended to the area, and city bylaws allow you to subdivide the land. Some large subdivision developments around the country have stalled because city services couldn’t affordably be extended to the land.

#3. Commercial Development

Raw land can be turned into a warehouse, factory, storage facility, shopping space – even a restaurant, mechanic shop, or doctor’s office. When evaluating the potential of commercial development land, consider whether your preferred development will work on that land. For example, if you plan to build a shopping mall, is there road access and shoppers who live nearby?

#4. Recreation

Not all land needs to be developed. You may choose to acquire land and instead of seeking out a financial ROI, you may want to invest in land and hold it… but use the land for your enjoyment. This is a legitimate and very common reason to invest. When evaluating this type of land, ask yourself whether you’ll be allowed to build a cabin or hunt and fish on this land and whether it’s safe to allow others to do so too.


These aren’t the only ways to invest in land but these are 4 types of popular land investments and how to evaluate them so you can build a portfolio of profitable land investments. Start here and grow from here!

Are you ready to acquire more land or maybe you just want to see what land investments are available to consider how you might invest? Get in touch with us to see our list of available land investments. You can call us at (910) 218-8185 or click here now and fill out the form and we’ll get you access to our list of land investments.


Jerry has been involved in real estate for over 10 years. He graduated High School and enlisted in the Army, where he excelled in the Elite Army Rangers. Unfortunately, he sustained a major injury during a training exercise and was honorably / medically discharged after 4 years of service. He decided to attend Appalachian State University for both his undergrad and grad school with emphasis on Systems Engineering and Virtual technologies. He went on to work for multiple fortune 100 companies as an Engineer. Jerry stumbled into real estate investing with his father after deciding to fix up an old house down the street from his childhood home. After that house Jerry never looked back. Since then Jerry has helped hundreds of homeowners in selling, buying, and renting properties. Jerry has a GREAT team that works day in and day out to help homeowners sell their properties to local investors like himself. Contact Jerry info@homebuyers-nc.com

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