How to Avoid Going Broke Buying Real Estate Notes In 28401 Zip Code (or Elsewhere)

Are you a real estate investor looking at investing in notes (or more notes)? If so, you might be wondering how to avoid going broke buying real estate notes. After all, notes are a simple, fun way to invest in real estate without a lot of the downside and headaches that other investors experience. Keep reading to find out the answer…

We meet a lot of investors. Some are just dipping their toe into the ocean of note investing – they might have questions or are even skeptical about how it all works. But many investors are the complete opposite – they love investing in notes and go all-in… sometimes even investing “too much” (for them) in notes.

If you’re a note investor (or you want to be) and you’re worried about this happening to you, here’s how to avoid going broke buying real estate notes.

How To Avoid Going Broke Buying Real Estate Notes

#1. Set A Limit Of Money You Can Invest

How to Avoid Going Broke Buying Real Estate NotesMaybe you have some money set aside that you can invest. Don’t forget that you have other expenses, too, and you should always be able to cover your expenses. After all, you’re probably investing to take care of your family, so doesn’t it make sense to make sure you take care of your family even before your investments provide a return? Set a hard limit and hold yourself to it. If you’re worried that you won’t be able to hold yourself to your limit then get a trusted friend to help you.

#2. Get Cash Flowing Notes Only

One way to ensure you don’t go broke buying notes is to invest in cash flowing notes. That way, even if you spend a large amount of your investable capital on notes, they’ll put cash back in your pocket so you will reduce the possibility of going broke because you are generating an income from your notes.

#3. Only Invest A Certain Percentage Of Your Income

If you’ve invested some or all of your existing investable capital, and you still want to invest in more real estate notes, then set a certain percentage of your income for notes and don’t go over that percentage. If you set aside some money and it’s not enough to buy a note then keep accumulating the money, paycheck after paycheck, until you’ve saved enough.


If you have to go broke buying something, it’s probably better to buy investments! However, we would never suggest you go broke buying real estate notes because you likely have other responsibilities. Therefore, follow these 3 strategies to help you avoid going broke when buying real estate notes.

If you want to see what real estate notes are available to invest in, you’ll love our selection of available notes. So just reach out to us by phone at (910) 218-8185 or by clicking here to fill out the form. We’ll be in touch and make sure that you get access to our list of notes to buy.


Jerry has been involved in real estate for over 10 years. He graduated High School and enlisted in the Army, where he excelled in the Elite Army Rangers. Unfortunately, he sustained a major injury during a training exercise and was honorably / medically discharged after 4 years of service. He decided to attend Appalachian State University for both his undergrad and grad school with emphasis on Systems Engineering and Virtual technologies. He went on to work for multiple fortune 100 companies as an Engineer. Jerry stumbled into real estate investing with his father after deciding to fix up an old house down the street from his childhood home. After that house Jerry never looked back. Since then Jerry has helped hundreds of homeowners in selling, buying, and renting properties. Jerry has a GREAT team that works day in and day out to help homeowners sell their properties to local investors like himself. Contact Jerry

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